Oktoberfest: September 18th
Oktoberfest is here and we will be releasing our Festbier in cans for the first time ever! To release Festbier, both taprooms will have a full Oktoberfest going on all day Saturday, September 18th. Festive hats, decorations and even an Alpine Horn competition will fill the day up at the taprooms starting at 1pm.
River North Brewery has partnered with Smokin Ace Colorado at their Washington Street taproom to offer pre-sale tickets that include a limited edition Oktoberfest River North Brewery mug with full pours of Festbier included as well as a brat and a side for a great lunch or dinner option. Smokin Ace will set up at the Washington Street taproom for those that miss out on pre-orders. You can pre-order your mugs and brats on our website at https://rivernorthbreweryonline.square.site/ to ensure you get a limited edition mug along with sausages only available at the Washington Street taproom.
The Blake Street taproom will have Moya’s Tacos onsite all day for food to go with your Festbier. Blake Street will have Oktoberfest mugs available for purchase starting at 1pm on Saturday while supplies last.

Join us at our first annual Alpine Horn Competition at both taprooms! Blake Street's taproom will have the competition at 2pm, and Washington Street’s taproom will have the Alpine Horn Competition at 4pm. Want to enter?! Show up to the taprooms ten minutes before the competition is set to begin and sign up with the bartender. There will be a limit of 5 contestants per taprooms.
Competitors at both taprooms will receive an alpine horn to keep (one horn per person, nobody's sharing the horns!). The winner will get an Oktoberfest beer holster full of Festbier...and FREE BEER FOR OCTOBER!!
The first five people to sign up at each taproom has the chance to win FREE BEER FOR OCTOBER! For the month of October, the winner of the Alpine Horn Competition at each taproom will get one free full pour of their choice every day (during taproom hours) at the designated taproom that they won at for the entire month of October.