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Single Cask Mr. Sandman: Rum Barrel & Rum Barrel Quandary

We’re no strangers to aging beers in exotic barrels, but one concoction has yet to been seen: a rum-aged imperial stout.

Well, next Saturday, August 26th, that changes at the Rum Barrel Party, featuring two off-the-charts rum barrel beers!

First on the docket is Single Cask Mr. Sandman: Rum Barrel, our first foray into rum stouts. The next in our series of limited releases designed to showcase the essence of a single barrel, our staunch American imperial stout serves as the perfect base for sweet molasses and oak. As a Single Cask release, all River Norther Society members will get one reserved bottle. The remainder will be available to both members and the public on a first-come, first-served basis beginning at Noon. We anticipate having about 25 cases available, so we can offer $12 bottles with a limit of four.

But to make it a true party, you need some extras, so we are doubling down and also releasing 2017 Rum Barrel Quandary! This perennial favorite blends Old World tradition with New World casks, resulting in a trans-Atlantic treasure like no other.

Bottles are $10 each with a one-case limit.

We will have tasters and full pours of both beers on tap...see you there!



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