Announcing Porter Week at River North Brewery
You don’t have to go to London to enjoy a proper pint of porter, next week we are bringing all the porters to you! From Baltic porters to barrel-aged porters, you will have the chance to taste eight different porters throughout the week of March 22 - 26. May we even suggest a flight of all of them?! Both of our taprooms will be celebrating River North’s first-ever Porter Week, with more porters being tapped each day starting Wednesday, March 22nd.
Wednesday will kick off the week dedicated to this classic style with three porters available on tap at each taproom. Our favorite coffee porter, Twilight Hike, along with Uptown Squirrel brown porter and our GABF award-winning Hello Darkness are just a few of the porters that you can look forward to.
But that’s just the start. A new porter will be tapped at each taproom every day. As the week progresses we’ll be adding some new varieties and old favorites to the tap lists, including Adrift on the Baltic, our classic take on a Baltic porter, and Midnight Hike, an imperial porter brewed with a ridiculous amount of cacao nibs, recently awarded a silver medal at the Brussels Beer Challenge (yes, as in Brussels, Belgium). You can also look forward to a limited tapping of our fifth installment in the Vicennial Series, Barrel Aged Dark Sorceress on Friday at both taprooms.
Saturday will be the true porter lover’s day with at least EIGHT porters lined up at our Washington Street taproom including the not to be missed Blueberry Hello Darkness and Maple Hello Darkness. Our Blake Street taproom will feature SIX different varieties. If you’ve never had a pistachio porter, head to Blake Street for the soon-to-be-infamous Pistachio Hello Darkness.
Although we won’t be flooding the streets with porter like the London Beer Flood of 1814, (seriously, look it up!), you will still be able to indulge in your favorite chocolatey, roasty concoctions all week long at River North. Step aside stouts. You had your turn!