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A Note on the Denver Rare Beer Tasting...

Several people have asked us why we are pouring Funk the Man #1 at the annual DRBT, when bottles can still be found in a few places around Denver. When we signed up for Rare Beer and submitted Funk 1 as our choice early this year, it had previously been a taproom-only release, and had long since sold out. However, a small amount of these hand-filled bottles took a little longer to condition than anticipated, and made the move with us to our new location on Washington Street. When the carbonation level on the last remaining cases was finally perfect, we shipped them to some of our favorite bottle shops around town to celebrate our return.

In all, only 68 cases of Funk 1 were ever produced – a little less than three barrels of beer in total. We are pouring five of those cases at DRBT. We recognize that Rare Beer is the premier event of GABF week outside of the festival itself. It draws only the best breweries and attendees, supports a great cause, and we’ve been honored to pour there every year we’ve been open, so we’ve decided to make a little addition to our lineup…

Earlier this week, we filled two kegs of the soon-to-be-infamous Barrel Aged Mr. Sandman – the base beer for Barrel Aged Nightmare Fuel, before we add fresh-roasted whole coffee beans. That’s all that exists: two kegs. We will pour one for Rare Beer, and save the other for a rainy (...snowy?) day later this year.

This 14.8% juggernaut of an imperial stout is guaranteed to be the rarest beer you taste all week. We hope you enjoy.

Cheers, and continued thanks to Pints for Prostates for all the work they do.


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